Redefining Stewardship

In reality, stewardship is the management of God’s complete household, which includes our giftedness and talents, our resources and possessions, our time and our energy.

As we consider our response to a church campaign or appeal, we may hear the term stewardship used from time to time. This important term is often misinterpreted to just refer to money. In reality, stewardship is the management of God’s complete household, which includes our giftedness and talents, our resources and possessions, our time and our energy. Stewardship is our whole life response to God.

At the root of biblical stewardship is the affirmation of God’s ownership of everything, which is given to us ‘in trust’ to manage on his behalf. In a sense it celebrates God’s partnership with us and shows God’s hope for us – that we will discover real meaning for our personal existence.

This understanding of Christian stewardship changes the church’s focus from money to people. It has more to do with how we as church members earn and give our money, as with how the church uses its funds after they are placed in the offering plate. Our financial offering thus becomes an act of worship in which we discover the joy of giving and at the same time the challenge of managing faithfully the portion that we keep for ourselves.

The purpose of giving in the church thus has two dimensions. It is part of an individual’s personal journey toward wholeness, and it is essential to the mission and ministry of the church. Thus the primary motivation for giving of one’s self and finances is gratitude for God’s love in Jesus Christ.

More often than not, the decision to give is made by praying with an open heart. Then we realize that God comes first in our lives and that He is at the center of our lives. We must understand that our possessions, talents, time and even our lives belong to Him. Once we realize these are all gifts from God, giving to God makes perfect sense.

To discover how to instill a spirit of Christian stewardship in your church, contact us at Faith Based Fundraising today.